DeVita, 天然護膚,美白精華,1盎司(30毫升)
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如果你還在考慮DeVita, 天然護膚,美白精華,1盎司(30毫升)這個商品的話,我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買,就可以囉~~
- Natural Skin Care
- With Emblica Fruit Extract
- Paraben Free
- 100% Vegan
- "Guided by Nature, Driven by Science"
髮旺旺The DeVita Story...
For nearly my entire life my skin had suffered from chronic cystic acne, and then when my 40's hit, so did the ravages of the Arizona sun I had lived in all my adult life. After spending many hundreds of dollars on expensive "name brand" products, which did nothing except break down my bank account and break out my face, I decided to use my background in chemistry to "deconstruct" those well known high priced potions. I discovered there was nothing in them that would do what they claimed, nor was there any ingredient used that should be so costly. And then, to top it all off, they were all loaded with poisons and preservatives!
After that sad discovery, I knew I had to take matters into my own hands. I began working with organic aloe vera as a dynamic delivery system together with cutting edge advancements in active natural ingredients to create the beginning of an effective natural products line. So after exhaustive and extensive research 髮旺旺and development - DeVita Natural Skin Care was born!
無痕褲Our basic philosophy?
Make it Clean ? Make it Work ? Make it Natural ? Make it Exceptional... 髮旺旺Make it DeVita!
In love and in health,
Cheryl床的世界anne DeVita
For over ten years now DeVita has been dedicated to developing beautifully pure age defying skin care products. Devita now brings that care and expertise to their exclusive line of color cosmetics - |ab·so·lute| minerals.
Just髮旺旺 great, healthy coverage you can count on absolutely...
|ab·so·lute| mi床的世界nerals
Ask for it by name.
All Things Bright and Beautiful...
Reduce the appearance of skin discoloration and find your bright and beautiful self without chemical bleaches! DeVita's exclusive formula of a bio-engineered skin lightening compound, Complex KBT, can create amazing results - and all without using the most common irrit髮旺旺ating skin bleach, hydroquinone. Featuring Kojic Acid and Arbutin which work synergistically to help break-up Hyperpigmentation and Emblica Fruit Extract, a proven skin lightener, which gives the look of balanced skin tone. Effective on all types which need help from chemical peels, age spots, sun spots and other types of hyperpigmentation.
DeVita, 天然護膚,美白精華,1盎司(30毫升)